Ali Rafiq, and his BLOG

This BLOG is about me, everything that happens around me and what I think about it.

Location: Karachi, Pakistan

Thursday, January 26, 2006


There are two main types of daydreamers- the introverts and the extroverts.Before explaining the differences between these two, here is what we can say they share:1) Desire to change the world.2) A weakness for nostalgia, but we can get just as easily stuck in an 'ideal' future we still haven't lived.3) Being very imaginative, often being artists of some sort, or having a great appreciation of the arts.4) Being a good listener - only if we're interested. Otherwise, we automatically drift off into other more pleasant thoughts, while the person is talking. We can stop hearing everything around us. 5) Being perceptive about the way people feel, but not necessarily feeling the need to respond to this. 6) People think we're forgetful because sometimes formalities may slip our minds. But we pride ourselves on our excellent memories: We remember conversations, feelings and situations so well, because they are preserved in our daydreams!7)) Being very curious.8) Imagining about the lives of strangers that pass by. 9) Feeling a lot of empathy for others due to our capacity to observe. 10) Having humanitarian tendencies.11) Keeping a lot of secrets -- sometimes our thoughts are too complex or different from normality to communicate easily. 12) Becoming a psychologist for all our friends -- people see our mysterious silence and imagine they can tell us anything... We are confidants. 13) Enjoying philosophy 14) Hating small talk. It may bore us. 15) Laughing to ourselves anytime, anyplace... which makes people think we might not be all there...

Some specific characteristics of the Introvert Daydreamer:1) Preferring deep personal conversations to social gatherings 2) Not minding being alone most of the time. 3) Difficulty sharing feelings with other people (we can seem unemotional although this may not be true). But despite this, we're always ready to express a point of view on an abstract idea, and we can do so quite impressively.4) Seeming standoffish to people that don't know us. 5) Expressing views a lot better in written form than orally -- because we have time to think about it!
Some specific characteristics of the Extrovert Daydreamer:1) Being incurable optimists and idealists2) Being overly emotional, sometimes our reactions can confuse or startle more reserved people.3) Always being around groups of different people, needing permanent stimulation from the world.4) Being great conversationalists, we can always be relied on for amusement 5) Being charismatic - we love making our energy contagious to others - we're natural leaders!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

People- Part 1

i am planning to start a new string of articles on my blog entitled "people". here i will discuss the different types of people that i recognize in the many different walks of life.

in my first account, i will discuss the young adults of my age who have lives a great part of their academic lives and are not far away from a practical. if you are from my age group, you will surely find yourself in one the categories. so here it goes:

The Nerd

nerds are surely not unknown to you. the first thing that probably comes to your mind is specs. however, in the recent years, the status of nerds has changed quite dramatically. all nerds are no longer dorks. the classic nerd was who would ace every exam, have a petite framework and would often be "laughed at" by the others. however, in practical life, believe or not, these nerds are actually the most successful beings alive. they have the best resultsheets that puts them in any university they want to, hence giving them any degree they require. when seeking for jobs, they get the ones in which they are paid amazing amounts. they are brainiacs, with GOD-gifted mindpower. personally, i respect nerds. i mean seriously man these people rock. and the recent trend that i have noticed is that many nerds are "cool". acing every exam and being popular among the masses as well.

The Brat

then comes the brat. this guy never needs to study. his dad is probably on a high government post and his uncle's friend's wife's brother is a minister or something. he hardly ever scores in any of his tests and is seldom seen in class. he aint got a worry in the world. he'll probably grow up to become a politician or an "honourable" civil servant. he is most likely to taste the food of prison once in his lifetime and be murdered later in his life.

The Hardworker

no matter how hard he tries, he never defeats "the nerd" in class tests and examinations. he spends many nights studying for the simplest of tests. he is highly ambitous. however, the only thing that bars his way is his average brainpower. in practical life, he is made to wait. he may start off with a unsatisfactory salary, but his hardwork and determination makes sure that success is made his fate. a few years later, he is seen working at a repectable post in a good company, with a handsome salary. throughout his life, his determination never decreases. on the whole, he is a happy man who returns home, tired, enjoys his dinner, and then goes into a refreshing slumber.

The Smiley

aha! the very title tells half his story. whenever you see him, you'll see him smiling (except on days just before the result!). a happy go lucky chap who thinks life is a piece of cake. he studies alright, one day before an exam that is. he has a little of everything. unfortunately this doesn't work for him. he remains an underachiever for most of his life. he regrets its later on. however, most of the "people" belonging to this group are bound to wake up some day. some wake up early, some wake up late, and for some its just a bit too late.of all the four groups, this group is the most unpredictable and uncertain one.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

EDUCATION- wrongly interpretted

since the earliest days of schooling, the method of examination has been the same. students are taught something in class, sent home to learn it and asked to write about it the next day without referring to books. this quite sums up the "education" tht students recieve in their school years.

i feel tht its about time tht things changed. i mean education is not just about acedemics you know. there's more to it. its a whole brought up of a child. the biggest flaw tht i see in this system is tht the acedemically poor are always left behind and seen as losers. this is highly unfair to them. to me, everyone is totally equal. if some lacks acedemic potential, he/she is surely good in something else, like sports. hence an education system is needed in which equality of all spheres of education should be maintained.

need to rush. c'ya.

(PS... just in case u're wonderin y i talked about this here... well here's the truth... i had an aweful ptm the other day :p)

Saturday, January 07, 2006

A gift from me to the world.

Welcome to my blog.

To start off, i would like to tell everyone that the idea to make my own blog came from a recntly published article in a newspaper. It explained how easy it was to make your own blog. I found it interesting and hence here it is, my very own blog!

Anyways. Getting to the important stuff. This blog will serve as a means of communication between me and my world. I will try and to update it regularly, though there is every possibility that it may become dead within a few days time (alas... the inconsistencies in life). It will deal with everything that is going around me, and what i think of it. Whether it be current affairs, social problems, religious issues, sports and entertainment etc., the content of this blog will be varied, so you might find it interesting to visit it on a regualr basis. In short, it will be about the most striking things that I witness, and how I feel about them. Friends beware! I may mention your names many times in my accounts!

Thats about it then. Take care of yourself. Bye.